What happens to the fees paid by the stall holders? After deducting expenses like publicity material, new stalls, insurances, crew t-shirts and annual lunch held in a local pub to reward all those volunteers that make the market possible, there is a surplus. This is gifted to Deddington Parish organisations and those who serve our community and are in need of a grant. In December this year (2024) we donated nearly £3,000 to 19 organisations including Adderbury Deddington & District Photographic Society, Deddington Baby and Toddler Group, Deddington Craft Group, Deddington Housing Association, Guides, Scouts and Cubs, Deddington Environment Network, Deddington Nursery, Deddington On-line, Deddington Players, Deddington Parish Archive, Deddington PTA, Deddington Tennis Club, Friends of Hempton Church, The Holly Tree Club, Homestart Banbury & Chipping Norton, Bicester, Deddington PFSU and the Royal British Legion,
If you would like to apply for a grant on behalf of an organisation please use the contact page.